Have a cool idea? Let's make it happen!

Job Club students are immersed in the world of careers, develop basic work-related skills, learn principles  behind banking and savings, and participate in business activities that will expose them to entrepreneurship.

You're never too young to have an idea.

Learn how to make it a reality. 

"I [earned a stipend] for going to Job Club, so when I get older and I go to college, I already have money for college…I learned about how to be an entrepreneur and not mess up credit. I now save my money instead of spending it every chance I get."

– Participant, Age 14

The 3-Step Job Club Experience

These steps will ensure you're on the right path!


Submit Your Idea

It's easy. Start here!


Get Feedback from Peers and Mentors

Your peers can offer votes of confidence and easily provide suggestions. Once your mentor approves your idea, you'll be able to move onto the next steps. 


Develop Your Business Plan

Your business plan will address your costs, your marketing strategy, and your product.